Berita Kadaluarsa – upss.. NIAT MAEN PETAK UMPET mlaah nyaris KEGILAS di MESIN CUCI
Berita Kadaluarsa kali ini akan memberikan berita dan informasi kadaluarsa tentang upss.. NIAT MAEN PETAK UMPET mlaah nyaris KEGILAS di MESIN CUCIupss.. NIAT MAEN PETAK UMPET mlaah nyaris KEGILAS di MESIN CUCI
When trying to win a game of hide-and-seek you should always look for difficult places to hide. This 11 year old girl decided the washing machine would be the best place but unfortunately didnt realise her hiding place would become her living quarters for the next 90 minutes.
After her friends unsuccessfully tried using ice cream and peanut butter to help get her out, they called the emergency services who eventually freed her.
When trying to win a game of hide-and-seek you should always look for difficult places to hide. This 11 year old girl decided the washing machine would be the best place but unfortunately didnt realise her hiding place would become her living quarters for the next 90 minutes.
After her friends unsuccessfully tried using ice cream and peanut butter to help get her out, they called the emergency services who eventually freed her.
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