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DILARANG LIAT ! FOTO-FOTO: Adegan Horor!! Ular Piton 3 Meter, Lahap Seekor Rusa (Pictures)

Berita KadaluarsaDILARANG LIAT ! FOTO-FOTO: Adegan Horor!! Ular Piton 3 Meter, Lahap Seekor Rusa (Pictures)
Berita Kadaluarsa kali ini akan memberikan berita dan informasi kadaluarsa tentang DILARANG LIAT ! FOTO-FOTO: Adegan Horor!! Ular Piton 3 Meter, Lahap Seekor Rusa (Pictures)

Seekor ular piton sepanjang tiga meter dengan lahap menelan seekor impala atau sejenis rusa Afrika. Kejadian mengerikan itu berhasil diabadikan dalam foto.

Fotografer Belanda Fred von Winckelmann berhasil merekam dengan jelas seekor ular piton Afrika menelan seekor impala muda di Taman Nasional Moremi, Botswana. Winckelmann mengaku takjub dengan apa yang dilihatnya secara langsung.

"Melihat seekor piton Afrika menelan impala muda adalah kesempatan langka. Ular itu dengan tenang menelan santapannya, tanpa memperhatikan kehadiran saya," ujar fotografer tersebut, seperti dikutip The Daily Mail, Jumat (17/1/2014).

"Saya melihat bagaimana ular itu menelan habis binatang malang tersebut. Kami datang tepat ketika ular itu membuka rahangnya dan dalam waktu 45 menit, ular tersebut menelan mangsanya," ucapnya.

Menurut Winckelmann, ketika ular piton mencerna mangsa yang sudah berada di dalam perut, adalah keadaan di mana ular tersebut sangat rapuh. Reptil tersebut tampak sangat kelelahan usai menyantap makan.

Preoccupied: The snake was so caught up in its meal that Mr Winckelmann was able to lie on his belly almost next to the beast to photograph it on its own level
Savage: This picture shows just how wide the snake's jaws had to open to swallow its massive meal

Stretchy: Pythons are able to swallow such large prey thanks to dislocatable jaws rigged with tendons, muscles and ligaments that can stretch to extraordinary lengths
Constrictor: Pythons kill by wrapping their bodies around their prey and squeezing them until they suffocate
Crushed: The legs of the hapless impala stick out as the python slowly eats it up
Savour the flavour: Mr Winckelmann said that it took the snake about 45 minutes to swallow its meal

'Once-in-a-lifetime sighting': The images were captured by photographer Fred von Winckelmann, from Eindhoven in the Netherlands, whilst on a game drive at Moremi National Park in Botswana
Down the hatch: The impala's back legs disappear down the python's gaping jaws and into its belly
Food baby: The snake's belly bulges from its massive meal in these pictures taken by a Dutch photographer

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